Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Did you color my hair RED ??!!!?!

No...its really... brown...
I want to use this post to express my sincere gratitude to the most quiet influential person in my life. This person is my #1 cheerleader, always looks out for my best interest, supportive but also stands up to me  & will preach a full sermon to me if (he thinks) I'm not acting in faith. He artistically works along side me to improve whatever I'm working on, but never steps forward looking for recognition, he sings, organizes & irons better than I ever will (LOL), he's sensitive to my needs but doesn't tolerate my pity partys, he helps me stay focused on my ultimate goals & not get sidetracked w/distractions that come, he (at 1 time only) let me experiment on him with a new hair color line (now that's love) & I tried to convince him that his new hair color was brown (lol). He's my Barnabas (the encourager) & Godly leader & husband Dwight. I appreciate you!


  1. A great love story and testimony, really enjoyed reading it and that pic above is great!
    I'm thankful, blessed, and grateful for my husband, soulmate, best friend, and biggest fan/supporter as well-always a good reminder reading a posts like yours-Thanks!! One of your clients in HP...
