Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Decl-hair-ation of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is more than just a piece of paper. It represents our country's independence and commitment to certain ideas. The signers of the Declaration of Independence wanted the citizens of the United States to have a document that spelled out what was important to our leaders and citizens & for us to be able to look at the Declaration of Independence and immediately think of the goals we should always be working for, (& one of those goals is to have healthy hair) and about the people who have fought so hard to make these ideas possible.  They had to be very brave to sign something that would be considered a crime! So every time we look at the Declaration of Independence, we should think about all of the effort and ideas that went into the document, and about the courage it took for these people to stand up for what they knew was right -- independence!

photo courtesy of

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