Sunday, July 29, 2012

My "Crowns" point of view

Me with "Mable" portrayed by Shari Addison on 7/28/12

A few words that's been used to describe the 10th anniversary production of Crowns are, "intriguing, brilliant, fabulous, entertaining and a powerful memorable experience".  I totally agree!
Before I found out Shari & I were family, she'd been a long time (faithful) customer & long time friend of  hubby & I. We both declared that the cast (of Crowns) was great & Shari  enhances (musically) whatever she's a part of. Thanks for sharing your gift.   :) :)
Please, don't miss this "celebration of song, dance, cultural history—and glamorous headwear", extended at the Goodman theater in Chicago til August 12, 2012.

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